Sorry kids, no Bisco this year.
Treating the property and town like a cess pool has finally
caused the event to be cancelled. Thanks for ruining it.
Guess you’ll have to do your shitty drugs somewhere else.
In the meantime please check out one year’s write up
Camp Bisco XI Womps Mariaville’s Indian Lookout Again
Happy memories or random nuggets of wisdom for you nervous first timers
You’re welcome
Click the “facespace” link above to tell us how great we are
Hit the volunteer gate at 5:30. We were told to be there by 10 a.m. at the latest. As I watched the car ahead of me drive in, the biker running the gate told me I was too early and to come back at 9. I stared up out of my car window in disbelief, attempting to reason with him before he got annoyed and shooed me away. I put the car in reverse, grumbling to myself.